In consequence, you can bring vocal tracks as close to perfection as you care to, and yet – thanks to Melodyne technologies – they sound as natural as if they had never been edited at all. Using intelligent correction functions and musical tools that are highly efficient and practical. With note-based editing, you can make corrections, improvements and changes exactly where you want to. Melodyne brings out the best in your vocal recordings.

With vocals, but every type of instrument as well – including polyphonic ones, such as the piano and guitar. And with Melodyne you can edit all these things intuitively. This is made possible by a sophisticated analysis that delves deeply into your recordings and samples, and recognizes and understands the musical relationships within them: the individual notes and their characteristics, the scales, keys and chords, the timing, the tempo, the tone color. Melodyne grants you unrivaled access to all the musical details in your recordings and samples – note by note.

The Celemony Melodyne Essential 5 Software you can edit your vocals using the basic functions for pitch and timing.